Mayor Vince Lago recently honored me by acquiring several of my photographs of Coral Gables to be displayed at the entrance of his office in the Coral Gables City Hall.
Mayor Lago spoke to me several months ago about my photographs of Coral Gables, after having looked at my Coral Gables photos that can be seen in the Coral Gables gallery on my website.
The Mayor ordered several photos, which are now on display at the entrance of the Mayor’s office at City Hall. Mayor Lago choose my photos of The Biltmore Hotel taken during the summer and the upstairs of The Biltmore Hotel. He also choose the De Soto Plaza and Fountain, built in 1925. The fourth photo chosen is of the Alhambra Water Tower, built in 1924.
I’m very honored and pleased the the photos have now been installed, reminding visitors to the Mayor's office of the beauty of Coral Gables.