Gondola con Azzure
Gondola by the Rialto bridge
Gondola Azzure e Dorata
Detail of a gondola on the Grand Canal
Gondola on a winter afternoon
Gondola con Tres Lanterna
Typical Venetian glass lanterns from Murano
Gondola en Attesa
Gondola on a winter afternoon
Fine Serata
Gondolas lined up by the Doge's Palace in St Mark's Square
Rosso Amore
The romance of the gondola
Porto Verde
Typical building in Veneto province.
La Casa Verde
Typical Venetian villa with garden
Ferro Battuto de Fronte alla Casa
Detail of a wrought iron railing
Palazzo di Venezia
Villas of Venice
El Leone di Venezia
Symbol of Venice
Canale Grande
Villas along the Grand Canal
Palazzo Dorato
Villa along the Grand Canal
Teatro Italia
Venetian theater with souvenirs
Campanile di Venezia
Clocktower in St Mark's Square
Palazzo Giallo
Villa on the Grand Canal
By the Rialto bridge
Traghetto che Attraversa
Crossing the Grand Canal to the Rialto market
Gondola Natalizia
Gondola decorated for Christmas
Babbo Natate Arriva del Mare
Santa Claus on the Grand Canal, passing out candy to the bystanders
Madonna con Bambini
Passing by the villas on the vaporetto
Statua di Bronzo
At the Doge's Palace
Tres Lanterna Rossa
Detail from the entrance to a Venetian villa
Lanterna Rossa
Detail from the entrance to a Venetian villa
Porta Dorata en Ferro Battuta
Art Nouveau wrought iron door entrance
Piccolo Ponte
Typical bridge linking the two islands
Arrance al Mercato
Specialities at a Christmas market
Mercato all' Aperto
Unloading fruits and vegetables at the Rialto market
Frutta Secca Exsotica
Specialities at a Christmas market
Mimosa at the Rialto flower market
Tulips for sale at the Rialto market
Mascherae Tipica I
A variety of masks for sale near St Mark's Square
Mascherae Tipica II
A variety of masks for sale near St Mark's Square
Mascherae Tipica III
A variety of masks for sale near St Mark's Square
Gelateria Nico
The best ice cream in the world!
Passing the Trattoria (restaurant) Sempione by gondola.
Antica Trattoria
Restaurant near the Rialto market